Plus CBD Products

Plus CBD (Formerly Cibdex) CBD Spray In Vanilla, Peppermint, and Unflavored Varieties

Plus CBD Sprays

Our Plus CBD Sprays deliver innovative, cannabidiol-rich (CBD) hemp oil in a great tasting sublingual delivery system…a revolutionary shift in plant-based, natural nutritional supplementation. Cannabinoids are found to have a very broad impact on cellular function, as well as documented positive impacts on overall health. These uniquely effective hemp products are made from industrial hemp stalks and seed, and they are classified as a hemp-based food product, which makes them completely legal in the USA and most other countries.

Plus CBD Capsules

Plus CBD Capsules - Kosher, Vegan Friendly - 30 count Plus CBD™ Capsules are not your average health food store hemp oil supplement! Plus CBD™ gives you CBD-rich hemp oil in easy-to-take vegan capsules. Our CBD-rich hemp oil comes from special hemp cultivars that are amazingly abundant sources of natural CBD, 25 mg per capsule. Great if you’re always on the go, these everyday CBD-rich hemp oil capsules travel with you and can be taken at any time, even on an empty stomach. People worldwide have been including hemp and hemp oil in their diets for thousands of years—Plus CBD™ just makes it easier to enjoy! That’s thanks not only to our unique high-CBD hemp cultivars, but also to the generational farmers who grow and harvest our amazing hemp. All Plus CBD™ products, including our capsules, are considered a whole food source of hemp-based CBD. Take Plus CBD™ with you on your next adventure, even if your next adventure is just getting through rush hour traffic.

  • CBD-rich hemp oil in vegan capsules
  • A whole food source of natural, hemp-based cannabidiol (CBD)
  • Made with non-GMO natural ingredients
  • Gentle formulation can be taken anytime, with or without food
  • Vegan, kosher capsules
  • No preservatives
  • Made in the USA

May be taken with or without food. Made from non-GMO hemp grown without pesticides, herbicides or chemical fertilizers. Non-psychoactive. No artificial colors, preservatives or ingredients. CBD is a natural constituent of hemp oil.

Plus CBD Salve Plus CBD Salve is made using ingredients of the highest purity and potency. This highly effective salve is great for moisturizing the skin and helping relieve minor aches and pains.


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